Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 It was the 1980's, just being introduced to the Terry family research by my brother Dennis R. Terry, people like Harriet Terry, Ruth Terry Preston, Nell Wray, and so many others. The big question was who was the "Rachel" mentioned in Botetourt Co., Virginia records as a widow of William Terry and mother to his eight children?  People searched and searched for likely records.  In eastern Virginia, in other lines of Terry's there were William's roughly the same age or dying earlier than "our" William.

Finally, a record was found in Philadelphia at the historic Christ Church of a 3 Feb 1759 marriage between a Rachel Manson and a William Terry.  Immediately, the response was to point out that the record did not prove anything beyond the fact two people of those names were married on that date in that place.

Objections were raised: Chief beyond the search for a smoking gun or sign saying, "Yes, this the couple!" was the charge that traveling distances such as that from Philadelphia to Roanoke would be impossible! (Early colonial maps marking trails from Philadelphia to Roanoke prove that is not the case.).

As for the "NO PROOF" this is the same couple, there are several factors - some thirty years onward from those first days of searching - that should be noted.

1. In all this time (at least since the 1980's)  NO OTHER candidates for William and Rachel have emerged. No other couples by those names (William Terry and Rachel - -) pop up in databases, printed volumes, etc. None has been shared with researchers and no subsequent  happy dances of joy in the discovery have erupted.

2. While no proofs of a documentary nature affirm a last name or marriage date for the couple, their descendants are being flagged as sharing likely DNA with that person we label Rachel Manson. Just as her husband's DNA (as reflected in descendants who have been tested) is suggesting a link to the vast Terry clan of Bucks Co., Pa and through them, possibly, to the arrival of two brothers and a cousin in 1636 aboard The James into Long Island regions of New York.

3. In the Quaker records of Philadelphia is a James Manson and family in the late 1700's. A brother, cousin or father of Rachel? Another line comes out of NJ and Delaware and may be of Swedish origin (which may explain the unexpected Swedish DNA in my own profile!).

So, while no proof exists that there is connection between the two couples, there is also no proof they are not connected or one and the same! The key will be for more descendants of those eight children of William Terry mentioned as his estate was settled to get their DNA done and begin to make those connections and solve the riddles once and for all.

It is now 297 years since William was born (est. 1724) and 291 years since Rachel was born (est. 1730).  It is time to find the answers to the questions since we now have an added tool with with to search and support any documentary evidence or family records uncovered.

Rachel deserves to be identified and fully recognized for what she brought into the lives of all those who descend from her...

Their children (ALL birthdates are est. and all births could be children of Rachel and William, see later article on ideas of his "first wife"):

William Jr. est. b 1755 - 1760

Jasper b. est. 1758-1760

John b. 1760

Miles - 1762

Mercy - c1765



Jemima  d. 1796

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