William Terry ( was born. commonly agreed on date is 1724 and the date of death based on legal documents in Botetourt Co., VA inferring a late 1792 death date) lived in Botetourt from about 1744 until his death and had a wife named Rachel. He died in Botetourt County, Virginia (a legal document indicates Botetourt was the county of his death). It is inferred he was buried in a small or private cemetery, perhaps on family land, that may now be lost to time or destroyed by creeping civilization or natural elements.
There may or may not have been a "first wife" - since almost all birthdates are estimates and based on a formula assuming British Common Law applied strictly than a man would have to be 21 to marry or buy land. Records indicate that in some cases that could be circumvented and in some cases young men as young as 16 were gifted land, with a guardian and , as with militia duty, local friendships, needs or circumstance might see a person younger than normal marrying, buying land or taking up arms. That being said, it is possible that there are no children born outside a probable marriage date of 1759 of William Terry and Rachel Manson in Philadelphia.
a. William TERRY Jr. (c 1755-59 – 1824) ,wife Patience Cooper (named in Will). He apparently had no children but left money in his will for Isaac Terry, son of Miles Terry who married Hannah Horton, who was his brother.
b. Jasper TERRY, (c1758 - ) and a Jasper TERRY (c1758 - ?). Some merge the two without any evidence and what evidence there seems to conflict with such a merger. One set of records lists a Jasper Terry with wife Ruth, apparently selling his share of the Terry estate of William in 1793 and 1804. Then, there is a an 1817 land record of a Jasper Terry and his wife Margaret; then in 1819 there is a will of a Jasper Terry of Montgomery Co., Va mentioning a wife Margaret, implied sons of Silas, Elijah, Jonathan, William and daughters of Keziah Terry Graham, Karon-Happuch Terry Rose, Jemima Terry Deweese. The question is are they the same? If so Ruth Terry had to have died before 1817 and surely at that late date the memory would be in some family tree, some cemetery, some church record, or somewhere. It is vital these descendants add their DNA to the ongoing research to see if these are the same person, if one is a descendent of another group (such as a son of Jasper or Josiah Terry of the Jasper Morrison Terry group with a G-02 Haplogroup).
c. John TERRY (c 1760-1842) md
Esther BROWN, 2 Feb 1781, Botetourt Co., Virginia. Both died in Perry Co., Indiana.
d. Susannah TERRY (c1761-c1830) , md 31 January
1782, Thomas BROWN Jr. Their heirs are listed in a court document as a Keziah Brown Hannan, Henry Brown Jr., Esther Brown Blain, and Mary Brown Thompson.
e. Miles TERRY (c,1762 –
c1824), md Hannah Horton. Son Isaac Terry.
f. Mercy TERRY (c1765-c1830), md Jonathan
g. Rachel TERRY, (c1767-c1830)
, md John Martin
h. Jemima TERRY, c1770-1796 (md 30 June 1796, Ezekiel Boucher and he remarried the following year).
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