Monday, July 12, 2021


On an undated map in Kegley's Virginia Frontier is "The Original Land Grants of Roanoke and Vinton Community."


Wm Terry 400 acres Sept. 10, 1755.

North and east of this 400 acres was one labeled Wm Terry Jr (date is unreadable but we can assume it is the 100 acres gifted by deed to Wm by Wm and Rachel in 1771 to which Wm Jr. added some acres).

EAST of both of these is a waterway labeled "Terry's Branch" (this may be in Floyd Co., Va. Perhaps someone with access to better and more detailed historical topo maps might verify?).

EAST of that, south and to the northeast is "BLACK WATER RUN".

Closet neighbors on that map (south of GOOSE CREEK) were:

William Terry 400 acres 1755:

 Thomas Smith 1766

 Lemuel Andrews 1767

Daniel Evans

WEST: Francis Beatty / Andrew Armstrong 1767

John Johnston 1790

NORTH: Ervin Patterson 1769

James Alexander 1771

George Hannah date unclear

Kegley's also has a map "Map of Roanoke Community" 1740-1760".  Review the Early Land Grants related to Wm Terry and Henry Brown to help locate significant region. 

Wm Terry is located on this map between MUD LICK CREEK to the west and the CAROLINA ROAD to the east., south of the Roanoke..

This portion of a map showing the CAROLINA ROAD gives an indication of location in modern terms.. The thick red line running up and down on the map into Roanoke is the Carolina Road. The area would have been in the small triangle area between the top of the meeting place of the Carolina Road and the Green Wagon Road.

Neighbors on the Kegley map:

North: Alexander's

South: James McKeachy (below his place and to the east angled the TRADER"S PATH)

West: To the NW was Erwin Patterson; farther NW was BROWNS BOTTOMS (south side Roanoke) znd on the north side were Samuel and Henry BROWN, Neeley's Road, 

East: To the NE was Daniel Evans

South: SE was James Mason (on Traader's Path), Below Masons was BACK CREEK

South: SW was E. Pooge

Overall on this map the following surnames are readable: Mason, Terry, Brown, Evans, McKeachy, Poogue, Tosh, Bryan, Campbell, Mills, AcAdoo, Barnes?, Monohan, Mills, Brown, Patterson, Griffith, Burch, Neeley, Carvin, McAffee, Graham, Miller, Cloyd, McDonald, Kent, Crockett, Craig...

In addition, in Kegley's are also listed these neighbors, 1750: Augusta Will Book 1, pg 268, Kegley's pg. 175. William Terry, George Barber, Henry Houlston, Robert Wilkins, Joseph Robinson,...

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