Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 In part of what is known as "The Great Migration"...The second voyage of The James left London in July of 1635 and arrived in Massachusetts Bay in September 1635. On board were three Terry's: Thomas Terry, 28; Robert Terry, 25; Richard Terry, 17.

They settled primarily in the Southhold, Long Island, New York area with some drifting into Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and then two branches going into Virginia.

DNA appears to suggest a clear link between the Terry's in Long Island and the group in Botetourt County. Va.

The three men also closely reflect a family legend of three Terry's who arrived in early days into the New England area.

More recent DNA studies suggest that the men were two brothers and a cousin.

"The James, 1635" --- Founders of New England: Records of Ships Passenger Lists from England to New England between 1620 and 1640. This set of ships passenger lists includes ships to Virginia (a catch-all phrase to mean almost anywhere along the coast), Barbados, Bermuda, West Indies and of course New England

The James, June 1635

19 June 1635. Abord the James, Jo: May for N. England.

Tho: Ewer 40 Taylor

Sara Ewer 28

Elizabeth Ewer 4

Tho: Ewer !yr. 6mo.

Sara Beale 28

Elizabeth Newman 24

Jo: Skudder 16

13 July, 1635

Theis under writtennames are to be trasnported to N. England imbarqued in the James, Jno. May Mr for N: Er p'r Cert: from the minister of their conformity in Religion and that they are no Subsedy men.

Wm Ballard 32 Husb.

Elizabeth Ballard 26

Hester Ballard 2

Jo: Ballard 1

Alice Jones 26

Elizabeth Goffe 26

Edmond Bridges 23

Michell Milner 23

Tho: Terry 28

Robert Terry 25

Rich: Terry 17

Tho: Marshall 22

Wm Hooper 18

Edmond Johnson 23

Samvel Bennet 24

Rich: Palmer 29

Anto. Bessy 26

Edw: Gardner 25

Wm colbron 16

Henry Bull 25

Salomon Martin 16

Wm Hill 70 Wheels write

Nico. Buttry 33

Marth Buttry 28

Grace Bu 1

Jo: Hart 40 Shoemaker

Mary Hart 31

Henry Tybbott 39 Shoemaker

Elizabeth Tybbott 39

Jeremy Tybbott 4

Samvell Tybbott 2

Remembrance Tybbott 28

Nic. Goodhue 60 Clothmaker

Jane Goodhue 58

John Johnson 26

Suzan Johnson 24

Eliza Johnson 2

Tho: Johnson 18mo

Ralph ffarman 32 Barber

Alice ffarman 28

Mary ffarman 7

Tho: ffarman 4

Ralph ffarman 2

Pages to Explore:

"Five Generations of Terry's in Bucks county, Pennsylvania", Richard L. Tolman, PhD. at Tracks Wm of Botetourt Co., Va as son of Clement Terry Jr., son of Clement Terry Sr., who was the son of a Thomas Terry - probable son of one of the men who arrived in 1635 aboard the James on its second voyage of 1635. See especially 'Generation Four'. Now also, at the same sight see the article on Robert Terry of Flushing, New York related to connections.

2nd Voyage of the James:

Long Island Surnames at

Terry Family: Farmingville:

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