Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Will of Jasper Terry 1819, Montgomery Co., Virginia : Children Keziah Graham, Jemima DeWeese, Karen-Happuch Rose, implied sons Jonathan Terry, Silas Terry, Elijah Terry, William Terry

" In the name of God Amen; I Jasper Terry of Montgomery County and State of Virginia being low in health, and of perfect mind do make this my last will and Testament. That is, I resign my soul to God that gave it and first of all I give to my loving wife Margaret Terry the plantation I now live on during her life to enjoy it peaceably and freely and one cow and one two year heifer, one serviceable horse the price not to exceed sixty dollars, twenty dollars in bank notes and eight dollars in specie, one barrow, one sow and two shoats, one kettle, one pot, one ewe and lamb, one flax wheel, and all the property that she possesed of that she brought with her here, and an equal part of the crop of small grain that is now growing. The cow, heifer, hogs, ewe lamb and wheel is her own property to dispose of as she pleases; the pot and kettle no to carried from the house and to be returned to my heirs after her decease; if she dies possesed of a horse that is to be returned to my heirs also; I desire that my wife shall give my stepdaughter Susannah Snido the privileges on the plantation that she formerly has had. 

[From the will's wording, which calls her mother merely Margaret Terry, this may be a married name for the stepdaughter. There was a large Snidow family in Montgomery Co., Va at the time with long roots across the state. The assumption was made that this was the married name of Margaret but that is just an assumption until other evidence presents itself and it opens an avenue for searching that has been closed because of that assumption.]

The land I now live is to be sold as soon possible after the decease of my wife Margaret Terry and the money to be equally divided amongst my three daughters; Kezia Grayham, Jemima Deweese and Karon Happuck Rose. 

[Note all the girls had been named for the three daughters the Biblical Job had been blessed with after his trials. Kezia Terry (md Lawson Graham), Jemima Terry Deweese, and Karon-Happuck (often spelled Karen-Happuck) wife of Joseph Rose.]

My land going James Banks; and my land in Franklin County on Snow Creek to be sold also and divided equally amongst William Terry, Jonathon Terry and my three daughters above mentioned; my perishable property of all kind to be sold the last of November 1819 any part of my household furniture that my wife stands in need of she keep it until her decease then to be divided between William Terry and Jonathan Terry; I give Silas one dollar. I give Elijah Terry one dollar. 

[The assumption is that these are his children, perhaps from a first marriage. From deed and marriage records William Terry may have married a woman named Elizabeth, Jonathan a woman named Elizabeth, Elisha a Mary Right, Silas a Caty Rutrouth,]

I do nominate, and appoint my trusty friends Daniel Shelor and Joshua Young my Executors of my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I Jasper Terry doth hereunto set my hand and seal the seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and nineteen. The 43rd year of Independence. Sealed signed and acknowledge in presence of Will Barton, William Shelor, John Hill. 

Jasper Terry"

Montgomery Co., VA Will Book 3, pg. 121. Dated 1819; Probated July 6, 1819.

Marriage and deed records from Botetourt Co and Montgomery Co., Virginia reveal much about the heirs listed that can help researchers.

Keziah Terry - Married a Lawson Graham (Jasper Terry father), 21 June 1797 Wit: Ezekiel Boucher, Silas Terry, and Joseph Asley. Note: A Jemima Terry, d/o William Terry (Rachel Manson) md an Ezekiel Boucher in 1796 but apparently died before a year had passed as her husband remarried in 1797.
Jemima Terry - Labeled in her father's will as Jemima Deweese inferring she had married into that family.
Karon-Happuck Terry - 21 Dec 1813 md Joseph Rose, (Bk A, pg 361).

William Terry - Deed books list a William Terry with wife Elizabeth ca 1805
Jonathan Terry - Deed books list a Jonathan Terry with wife Elizabeth? same time period (1793 and 1801)
Silas Terry- A Silas Terry md a Caty (Catherine?) Rutrouth, wintesses John Grimes, John McHenry and Elijah Terry (Book A pg 89); He is also listed in a deed book of 1806 inferring he or another Silas Terry was deceased
Elijah Terry- An Elijah Terry md a Mary Right 09 Oct 1795 (both of age) Witness Jonathan Grimes (Reg A. Index bk 2, pg 59 and 352)

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